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Instagram - Luminesalonkc page
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If referred by a friend/client of Lumine, please specify first and last name so that we can reward them for their referral.
Is there a specific stylist you are interested in seeing for your color service?
Please choose your first choice from our stylist options
Nancy Weber - Creative Director - $225 per hour
Colby Ritter - Senior Stylist - $155 per hour
Abbie Andrews - Senior Stylist - $145 per hour
Ciara Massey - Senior Stylist - $130 per hour
Ryon Matthews - Senior Stylist - $120 per hour
Audrey Ligon - Senior Stylist - $120 per hour
Geena Mericle - Senior Stylist - $120 per hour
Erin Parrot - Stylist - $110 per hour
Megan Negrete - Stylist - $100 per hour
Perla Beltran - Stylist - $100 per hour
Erica Peterson - Stylist - $85 per hour
Rachel Binderup - Stylist - $90 per hour
Alice Myers - Apprentice Stylist - $65 per hor
I'm open to your recommendation
If you have a preferred salon location, please check that location below.
Waldo Neighborhood Location (Open Monday - Friday)
Crossroads Neighborhood Location (Open Wednesday - Saturday)
Open to either location
Do you prefer talking or not talking during your appointment?
We respect and embrace our clients different personalities. All of our stylists will talk during your consultation, and if there is anything you need to know relating to hair, but how would you prefer for your stylist to interact with you during your appointment?
I would prefer as much silence during my appointment as possible.
I like a little conversation, but not the whole appointment.
I look forward to socializing and talking to my stylist during almost all of my appointments.
I am comfortable letting my stylist know if I am feeling like talking or not on the day of my appointment.
What was the last color service you had in a salon and what was the date?
Are you looking to maintain your current color, or are you interested in trying something different?
If you have not colored your hair before, please select 'something new'.
Maintain current color
Try something new with color
If you answered 'try something new' to the last question, please give a brief description of the color you hope to achieve.
Do any of these describe your hair needs?
*I want to go from dark to light, or light to dark on my previously colored hair.
*I would like to go significantly lighter than my current color.
*I would like to correct a previous service that I was not happy with from another salon.
*I would like to do a creative color or a vivid,
*I would like a bleach and tone (platinum root to ends, or platinum retouch)
One of these options apply to me
None of these options apply to me
If you answered that one of the previous options apply to you could you please tell us more?
Which best describes your haircut needs?
Hair that is severely damaged may not be colored until the damage has been cut off. Otherwise the desired end result will not be achievable in some cases, and cause more damage.
Yes - I am willing to cut what I need, to achieve my color goal sooner.
Yes - I would like a haircut, but my hair is healthy so I don't need much. Just a reshaping.
No - I am not ready for a cut. Keeping length is my top priority even if it means taking longer to achieve my color goal.
No - I have had a haircut in the past eight weeks, and do not need a cut at this time.
How would you describe the natural texture of your hair?
Highly textured
How would you describe the density of your hair?
Super Thick
Are you now, or have you ever experienced issues with hair loss or negative reactions to certain hair products?
Do you have any allergies or sensitivities? If so, please let your stylist know so that we can perform a patch test prior to your color appointment.
Is there anything else you would like us to know?
Same day color consult or/ online booking
I understand I am booking for a block of time, not for a specific service or services. If I choose not to have a consultation prior to the day of my appointment I am assuming the risk that I may not have booked for the correct timing, and I may not be able to have all of my services completed. My stylist will do whatever services they can within the time frame I booked which may differ from my expectations.
I agree
I have had a consultation prior to booking, and my stylist told me the exact timing to book for
I have or would like to book a consultation prior to booking
Service Adjustments
If you would like an adjustment to your service, you have 7 days to do so with the same stylist and additional service charges may apply. If you choose to see a different stylist, treat your hair yourself, or visit another stylist or salon, or if it is after 7 days from the initial service, full service charges will apply for an adjustment.
I understand